Jeff Beck - Live in the dark
: music, September 30 2021 ▶
A pure gem again. The world famous (not to the poor me, of course) guitarist, Jeff Beck, comes smashing in with hard rock-and-roll. I could not describe myself as melomane, but I have never heard of this guy. About his brilliant career, about his 7 Grammy awards and numeous nominations, no clue about his solo in Bon Jovi's "Blaze of Glory", or how he played in a band (The Yardbirds) with Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton...The people who know their stuff put this, almost 80 years old Legend, next to Jimmi Hendrix and the other 2 guitar Gods I already mentioned.
"Live in the dark" is part of his 15th album - "Loud Hailer". The song is ...just "wow!" - dynamic riffs, hard base, nice vocals (Rosie Bones), Autotuned though. The other album tracks are,...I do not want to say garbage, but at least light years away from this one. The lyrics are nothing to write home about - there is no hidden meaning, no metaphorical hints. Describing a life in darkness and how the protagonist is "OK" with that. Nothing remarkable, but sometimes it is just like that - a song does not necessarily have to be a "War and Peace" novel to feel good.