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: flora-fauna, November 13 2020

I have acquired these beautiful flowers mid-summer and by the end of the season have almost given up on them. They were struggling with the summer heat and sunshine. I had to move them to a shady spot in the morning, then move them back in the evening and water them constantly just to keep them alive ... then autumn came and the modest chrysanthemums literally "exploded" on the balcony. They cope really well with low temperatures (so far positive though), cloudy weather and high humidity.
I think the Latin designations is "Chrysanthemum indicum", but cannot really tell. Symbolically, in some European countries, they are associated with death, while in Asia with adversity. I do not care - I like them. So beautiful!
Historically chrysanthemums (or chrysanthema) trace back to 5th century China and a bit later to Japan, where they represent the nobles and particularly the Imperial family.