Main, history, food, music, tech, money, flora-fauna

Tuna Capers Pasta

: food, April 22 2022

Easy one, with minuscule effort and products.
What you need (for 2 people):
- 1 can of tuna - 200gr
- small onion
- 3 garlic cloves
- 100ml white wine
- spaghetti
- 3ts capers
- something hot - small hot pepper/sriracha/cayenne pepper...
- 2ts olive oil, salt, black pepper, lovage
- chopped parsley for garnish

Cooking it:
- boil the pasta until almost ready - I am not going to tell you how much or how long. If you have not figured it out till this moment in your life just go eat outside.
- while the pasta cooks, start preparing the sauce.
- chop the onion and put it in the heating olive oil. You will need a pan big enough to fit the pasta and the sauce.
- after 2 mins add the chopped garlic.
- after 1 min add the "hot" ingredient.
- after 1 min add the capers. If they are salted (and not pickled) first rinse them in cold water. Do not put any other salt, as they are salty enough.
- after 1 min add the lovage, salt and pepper.
- after 1 min add the tuna. If it has its own brine, remove it. If it is in oil - you decide if you will add it to the dish or not.
- after 1-2 mins add the white wine. Bring it to boil. Let it cook for 2 mins.
- drain the pasta from the boiling water and put it in the tuna sauce for 2 mins. If needed, add a couple of table spoons from the the water where the pasta was boiled. It will make the sauce smoother.
- put the pasta in serving plates, garnish with parsley.
- goes with dry white wine.

The Made-Up War

: history, March 04 2022

On 24th February 2022 The World changed and it will never be the same again. Whoever thinks these events are due to one man being mad, and not coordinated part of The Big Reset and the global power redistribution, should definitely reconsider his/her ways of perceiving our reality. The war Russia started will trigger effects way past the borders of one country. It will not only cement the new divide (call it a Cold War, Spheres of power or whatever), but will speed up the fall of a big empire (Russia) and a continent of relative stability (Europe).

This article is not about the events in Ukraine directly. It is about how short people's memory is. How a completely unnecessary conflict, escalated deliberately into a war (thus the title). And a parallel to a period during the Second World War, called "The Phoney War" (Sitzkrieg in German). I want you find the similarities for yourself, as they may be as controversial as true.

On 23 August 1939 Russia and Germany signed their non-aggression pact, also known as "Molotov-Ribbentrop". One week later, on 01 September 1939, Germany launched the invasion of Poland, marking the beginning of WW2. Undoubtedly, the invasion was long-planned and all, "powerful enough to matter" at that day, knew this is going to happen. Poland never officially surrendered, but their forces could not withstand the attack on both fronts (as Russia charged on 17th), so the country fell around 6th October 1939. Their military was heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Some polish troops and vessels managed to escape to Britain and continued the war from there. Guerrilla fighters kept on going on its territory till the end of the war. Before the attack, and in the months to come, Poland relied on the Western Powers (UK, France) to support them by declaring war on Germany. Hitler properly weighed the odds of them actually joining the effort - politicians had little to no interest in saving Poland. Both in France and on The Island were hoping on peaceful solution with Germany (despite their fake posture onwards). Additionally, the obsolete "trench war" doctrine made their estimations entirely wrong. The Blitzkrieg caught everyone with their pants down. Later on, both Russia and The Allies, paid a heavy price for not learning the lesson.

Back to our "Phoney war" - on 03 September 1939, France and UK declared war on Germany and so began a ridiculous period of inactivity (on the western front). The history books do not discuss it much. There are no big analysis or retrospection to it. If that would be me, I would be ashamed even to talk about it, because for 8 full months 110 French and British division just stood there, looking at puny 23 German ones, and did nothing.
They could have ended the most devastating world conflict right there and saved millions of lives.
...but no. Pamphlet were dispersed, some troops even advanced unopposed 8km into Saarland...and they received the order to turn back. The polish were not only kept in the dark, but were mislead that the germans withdrew 6 divisions from Poland due to the Allied activities.

With little land action in the west, the initial months of the war were dubbed the "Bore War", later renamed the "Phoney War" by journalists. (UK Prime Minister Nevvile) Chamberlain, in common with most Allied officials and generals, felt the war could be won relatively quickly by keeping economic pressure on Germany through a blockade while continuing rearmament.The Prime Minister was reluctant to go too far in altering the British economy. The government submitted an emergency war budget about which Chamberlain stated, "the only thing that matters is to win the war, though we may go bankrupt in the process." Government expenditures rose by little more than the rate of inflation between September 1939 and March 1940. Despite these difficulties, Chamberlain still enjoyed approval ratings as high as 68% and almost 60% in April 1940

These defensive, but selfish and hypocritical measures were proven wrong on 10th May 1940, when Germany crushed France in one of the most humiliating military campaigns ever. It lasted only about 40 days. France had bigger army, better support and home advantage, but living in the past and way overconfident. UK's Prime Minister was "forced" out of the office the same day (10th) and the Lords put Winston Churchill to fix the mess and take the hot potatoes out of the fire - coincidence, right? The same Lords removed him from power immediately after the war (another coincidence, right?). The battle of France ended with the infamous evacuation of Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo, aka Miracle of Dunkirk), 27 May - 04 June 1940, where 340 000 troops were saved to fight later (68 000 lost). Churchill begged the civilians on the British shore to help the evacuation with their own vessels.
We can read/write about these events for days - there are so many views on them, most of which fall into the gray areas of history. Protecting own politically-economic interests (of a clique, not even a whole nation of course) lead to the death of 90 million people. Almost 100 years later, humanity forgot...and is ready to repeat the same mistakes.

Incubus - Nimble Bastard

: music, February 12 2022

The dynamic of the song reminds me of early 2000s H-Blockx-style groups - although rather more complex. Not just a plain beat for sure. We all needs some "fall down, get up, adjust the crown, move on" these days and the "Nimble Bastard" reached me (by accident) exactly in such moment.

When you land on your feet
You're a nimble bastard
And you don't skip a beat
Such a nimble bastard
Salt of the earth
Such a nimble bastard
Won't you show, lowly us
How do you see the stars from that far down?
So take some pride and a good example from all who recover from the unrecoverable.
The song debuted in April 2017 with the band's 8th album, plus a hilarious video with cats saving Incubus from secret-agent dogs. Apparently all members participated in the creation process and, as often happens, it was a spontaneous artwork - ultimate proof of how talent is capable of greatness! Wiki says even Skrillex added some sugar in. I admit, except some tracks here-and-there (Spawn), I do not listen to Incubus, but this one is just killing it!

Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song

: music, December 23 2021

The most amazing, smooth and charming voice of Nat King Cole is my Christmas choice this year. Like the one before, it is again a bit (actually a lot) sad - humanity is progressing backwards and we are living in the most dire times, of human history, after WW2.
The Christmas Song is written, almost like a joke, in the hot summer of 1945 by Robert Wells and Mel Tormé. It has numerous recordings and, according to one of the producing companies, is the most-performed Christmas song ever. It finds place in many albums. My favorite one is the namesake album from 1963 - an absolutely "must-have" for a nice, cozy December evening. The black-and-white video, you will find in youtube, again 1961, is a very high-quality one. Enjoy! ...and next year, I hope, we see if reindeers really know how to fly.

Although it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you

Puppet master's guide - Part 3 - testing ground

: history, October 29 2021

testing ground
an area or field of activity used for the testing of a product or an idea, especially a military site used for the testing of weapons.
Before you initiate the final stage of your World Domination Plan, you should test some of the elements. For example: the total control mechanism requires every human being to be biologically connected to your surveillance system. With a kill-switch of course. Chasing rebels in the jungle is so old-fashioned and boring. You have all the technology required to jump on the next level.
But the people are (yet) not stupid enough to let you install things in their bodies. Smartphones were a good start, but one can always throw away the device, regardless how difficult his life will become. So you need a way to convince everyone, that a medical procedure of some sort is urgent. To check if this approach will work, just start a pandemic! Actually, this is the solution to so many of your puppet master's problems.
You want to get rid of the old people - start a pandemic.
You want to assimilate all remaining small business - pandemic.
You want to restrict free movement - yep, pandemic.
You want to have an excuse for any face-palming moves the puppet-governments do - you guessed it - pandemic.
To show dominance and how little you care about the sheep, name one of your meetings The Great Reset. If they are still not getting it, you receive extra points in the brain-washing category.
The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.
Prof Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF)
(do not ask "for whom?")

The disease does not need to be very deadly - it needs to be highly contagious so to spread slowly but surely, also to be present for quite some time. Good candidate-viruses are everywhere - just pick a flu-like one and tweak it a bit. Throw it in a random powerful country, so the rest don't dare to present any claims. The media will do the rest.
Now the virus is spreading rampant and all turn their eyes towards your scientists. Of course they are yours - you fed their lazy asses for decades already, and pretended not to notice the lack of almost any accomplishments. On their hand, they pretended not to notice how you immediately covered-up any breakthroughs, throughout the years, and leave irrelevant breadcrumbs here and there. They will stall the vaccine as long as you need. Cure? No such thing - nobody will even start working on it - worst case - put it in the "endless testing" hamster wheel. It will require a lot of money, so no self-reliant-miracle-doctor or a third-world-country could afford developing one without your consent. Change the very definition of the word "vaccine" from "provides immunity" to "significantly prevents deadly outcome" - yes, as vague as that. To achieve A+, you should also warm-up the audience some years in advance - a scientist or major businessman may "warn" the public about such pandemic threat. If a rogue country tries to release the vaccine, showing it as political success of their newly elected leader (and not because they care about their citizens), just release a new virus variant. Who will prove it is not a perfectly natural mutation? No one, of course. Even if a group of mathematicians and/or virologist provide evidence, how such plague cannot happen on its own - use the media to bash and silence them. In time they will be quickly forgotten. A sheep's memory is so short.
When enough "speed" is achieved, start distributing the "vaccine". After all - this is what the main goal is - how many people will use something, that is untested, unproven, potentially harmful, blindly trusting their corrupt government. Make them sign papers to release you from any responsibility. It is always a good practice to cut the lose ends, plus this will serve as another test - how many of them are dumb enough to sign anything, without reading it. Nobody will remember, that initially you did not say it will be a 2-jab procedure. Here is a bonus-task for you - tell them to have a 3rd one. Observe the results. Now do it again, and again ... Let's see how many "boosters" the sheep will take, before start asking some questions. The ones, already "in the loop", will just continue doing it, facing the risk of losing all "vaccination-gained-privileges". You can forfeit any constitutional/freedom rights using the immunization-requirement pretext.
"Of course it is voluntary! You need to be vaccinated only if you want to do these 5000 things."
"No, it is not mandatory, but now you can no longer work from home. You need to come to the office. To come to the office you have to be vaccinated. I repeat, it is not mandatory - else will be illegal!"
"No, it does not provide immunity, nobody said such thing. It lowers the mortality. You can still get sick and infect others"
Google - Covid Germany - From JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data
27 October 2020 (0% vaccinated) - 13 161 new cases, 30 dead
27 October 2021 (66.4% vaccinated) - 28 826 new cases, 124 dead
Basically, push people's patience any way you can, to check at what point the leash will break. Then you can adjust the real deployment scenario with the data gathered. I repeat - this is a test. Do not kill too many, else you will rule a desert!
Some extra benefits, that will come with your trials:
- due to lockdowns, small companies will be obliterated. The big ones (the ones with the billionaires) are yours anyway.
- many people will lose their jobs - a good step towards extermination of the middle class (check part one)
- basic income will gain popularity, even become adopted in some places, nailing the coffin of the capitalism. Any initiative for self-development and work will disappear.
- countries will need more money - printing will destroy whatever economic logic, safeguards and safety nets remain.
- too-big-to-fail corporations will siphon the majority of these funds, putting more fuel to the fire.
- money will be so available, they will lose their practical purpose - banks will become just vaults, property prices will pump the next bursting bubble (and this one will be spectacular).
- shady mechanisms will gain popularity - like crypto-money - thus, whenever you want, you can just play with them in any manner - all participants agree, that these are not under anyone's control (ahahah...) and even a total, unexpected shut-down is just a part of the game.
- subscription instead of ownership - for everything imaginable.
- families, forced to live with their parents or completely isolated - causing major psychological disturbances.
- mass fear and distrust.

Welcome to the new Era of Corporate Feudalism.